Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stock photography

Now ive been meaning to talk about stock photography for a while now , and i found this post at Mr Rich leggs blog . It was a great podcast he did with the fellows at lightsource , i personally loved it . Also check out Mr Sean Locke's blog for more on stock photography .

Friday, August 29, 2008

More photoshop links

Post processing is as important as the photoshoot itself . Im a strong believer of that . So here are sum more photoshop links . This time from deviant art .

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Panoramics in the break ....

By now u all know im a fan of panoramics . So i snapped a couple of shots durin the break . The second shot was a trick panoramic to achieve a cool effect . Had my cousins and i pose in different positions in different shots as i rotated the cam for a fun shot .

That sums up my shots for the vacation . Keep shooting , and peace out .

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Food shots durin the break

Well last post was the last part of the challenge technically . But i also managed to snap a couple of food pics . Also a couple of panoramics , but ull see those in the next post .

Monday, August 25, 2008

Fifth part of the challenge : Landscape

Fifth part of the challenge is landscape . Now we already discussed landscape before , so im not gonna say much . But this pic i took in HDR , actually both of them , just used a tripod ,
took the pics over the span of about half an hour or a lil more , took multiple exposures and combined them on a program named Photomatix , which is why u see the name all over the pics . Again i went for Hdr to spice up what was a pretty bland landscape .

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fourth part of the challenge : Portraits

Portraits were the fourth part of the challenge . Now portraits are a huge topic to discuss and theres all sorts of portraits around ( aesthetic , environmental , etc etc ) .

When asked by my cousins to take portraits for "facebook" use . U immediately understand , they want sumthing thats : a) them , b) cool, c) or in a cool setting . So i tried to go for that .

Some people seem to think that a good portrait only has to focus on the face or the face and shoulders , but i believe in flexibility and there are a huge number of successful full body portraits out there . Thats why the first pic in the post was a full body shot .

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Part 3 of the challenge : Modelling Shots

Modelling shots where the third part of the challenge , and those are quite different from portraits . Portraits are usually more natural , and calm than modelling shots .

In modelling shots the photo has to have a certain "wow" effect and a sort of impressive feel .

When trying to bring out muscle in ur shots , always remember its not mass ure looking for , rather definition . Very thin people who are well defined appear much more massive in pictures than huge dudes with no definition . Again hard light aimed directionally at the model and rim lights also help "paint" the muscles .

Friday, August 22, 2008

Second part of the challenge : Sports shots

Having my cousins around , it was a good chance to take a couple of good sport shots . So we headed off to snap a couple of pics . When taking sports shots that aint on the field ( out of actual events ) its more like a modelling session , and so u have to find the best poses in action that help show movement . Poses taken from low angles , with the subject midair usually give a strong action effect .

Also unlike event shots , long lenses arent usually what ure looking for , in fact wide angles can be more useful , as is clear with this shot where i couldnt manage to fit both his legs in the frame . In this shot , i had my cousing jump off a small fence throwing the ball infront of him , as i slept on my back snapping several shots .

Also black and white can give u an impressive look .

U have to find good locations , the sky is always an impressive backdrop . When post processing , go for a look that has a high contrast between light and dark on the model , it gives a radical dramatic look .And what better way to achieve this effect than shooting in the hard light of the midday sun .

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back !

ٍSo i just came back today from a really needed summer break . Thank God for a great couple of days , filled with lots of photos. Speakin of photos i challenged myself before i left to take certain shots , dont really know how i did , but here goes :

Under lifestyle :

First pic

Second pic :

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just a few goals before i leave ...

My fam and i have been lucky enough to manage and clear up some space in our schedules for a short summer break . To me , its a great chance to do a lil shootin , but i dont wanna just go there and " hunt" for what i can find . I thought id set myself some goals and see how many i can achieve by the end of the break . So i challenged myself to come up with at least :

1) A good landscape shot .
2) Some lifestyle shots .
3) A good action or sports shot .
4) Some cool portraits .
5) A couple of modeling pics .

Theres 5 goals up there . I'll prob be gone for a week, well 4 days to be exact , lets see what happens by the end of that time period . Hope my plan works . See u all soon .

Still not photography ,....

Just found the theme music/ soundtrack of the movie ( which i talked about before ) called KitKat . Its named Beskalia and composed by Rage7 Dawood . An amazing piece of music . Posted by a utube user named meroman32 .

Friday, August 8, 2008

Chase's Summary of an assignment

Just saw this great vid of Chase on strobist . Had to get it here . Loved how he ,in a couple of minutes , expalined the entire process of doing an assignment . Enjoy.

Spelling doesnt matter

Its just sumthing ive been sayin for a big while now . And im sure all of u guys noticed that i intentionally write my posts the way I think words should be written . Spelling doesnt matter . A lot of my frends and fam , and ofcourse parents , would argue otherwise , but it made no sense to me why a word like tomorrow cant be " tomorow " , or different cant be " diferent " . Anyways , i was thrilled to find this post on the yahoo website today which sez just the Same .....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ever had that happen to u ?

Ever woke up from sleep feeling like u miss someone badly . Someone u know is no longer there in ur life . Someone who has been separated from u by the factors of time , place or ... just ur stupid actions . U wake up and u feel like talking to this person , but u know for sure they wont hear u , cause they no longer exist for u , or u no longer exist for them . The REAL world separates u . Ever had that happen to u ? .... Well it happens to me , and i dont know why im writing this here but , somehow it feels like shouting ur thoughts off a mountain , into open space ..... its ..... Relieving ...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Just another reason to carry ur cam around more ..

There are a billion reasons i can think of why u should carry ur cam with u more often . One of them is to practice ur PHOTOSHOP .
The other day i went out to shoot specifically to get some raw material for some ideas i had on photo shop . It was during a long shift i had at the hospital , thought id snap a couple of shots , to work on a lil when i went home .
Until later , keep shootin .

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mansiat el Set : Not photography related

Blogs are a fun place to be when ure on the net , u read all sorts of articles and stories , see into peoples lives and minds , plus u find really cool stuff all over the place .

My latest read was at
Shayma Ashoor's blog , a series shes been working on called Mansiat el Set ( only for those who can read arabic ) . I personally enjoyed it immensely , and respect the reasearch she put into writing those pieces , plus im a big fan of Omo Kalthoum myself , so yea , im biased haha ...

Anyways .. heres the link , enjoy ... :)