Friday, May 16, 2008

Full frame digital cam sensors

This is the first post following the moment of silence . Its been a tough week for my friend , may God be with her , and rest her fathers soul in peace and forgive him .

A couple of days ago , a photographer friend and i were discussing different wide angle shots , and the topic of full frame sensors came up and how that reflected on ur wideangle photography , so i thought id talk a bit about that .

So i went surfin a bit and found this simple post on
LeggNets digital capture ( another blog that ive become addicted to) , so heres a teaser , and the rest is there ---->

In digital cameras there is a sensor in place where the film used to be in film cameras. The light passing through the camera's lens projects the image onto this sensor which then captures it digitally and records the image to memory. These sensors vary in size in both the number of pixels they contain (megapixels) and their physical dimension. Most digital SLR (single lens reflex) cameras bear a strong physical resemblance to the 35mm SLR's we shot in decades past. But a difference between many of these cameras is the size of their sensor.

The rest is
Photo and teaser are from LeggNets digital capture .

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