Friday, February 15, 2008

Briefing on the CCC February 2008 meeting

So i just joined the CCC ( Cairo Camera Club) , and attended the monthly meeting ( the 14th of Feb 2008 ) . For those of u who are yet to join , or those members who missed the meeting , heres a lil briefing .

Im gonna lay down what we did yesterday in short , but first lets say the highlight of the meeting was guest photographer Vivian Ronay , who started the meeting off by a short presentation on documentary editorial photography namely her work in Petra , Jordan . Not only was it a display of works , but a quite informative review on how and why u can edit ur pics before theyre sent over to magazine editors ...

She stressed points like enivronment , portraits , group portraits , history , and namely pics that tell stories . Her personal process of editing is done mainly by pinning a lot of small prints on a big bulletin board and looking over them to see which one catches the eye and tells the story better . After we were done with that she got to comment and give her opinion about several photos of the group members which i personally found very educative .

Afterwards CDs were presented by group members containing their works from the previous Zoo outing . Next outing shall be Sat the 23 of February at the Waraa Island in Embaba . More details on the facebook group page .

Group members were also asked to submit works under the title "EGYPT FOR ME " or " MY EGYPT" , and the winning works will get to be displayed at the Camera Club in Australia .

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