Ive been meaning to discuss this topic for some time now , u know the one where some people keep sayin they only like to use "available light " and no other light sources , as they like the "Natural " look . Well , fotunately , Tammy of http://www.nicepicslady.blogspot.com/ ( a great blog u guys , if u havent been there , GO THERE, on a regular basis , its a great place if u wanna learn a thing or 2 ) , saved me the trouble by writing this wonderful piece discussing just that .
Heres a teaser paragraph :
"Available Light Snobbery
Lately I've run across a few people who ride the "available light" high horse. These are the folks who say stuff like, "I only shoot with NATURAL light" or "I don't like the look of artificial light, so I won't use it." There's an implication in their words that there's something wrong with strobes, that only lesser artists resort to "artificial" light sources like flashes or floodlights.
I can respond to this attitude only one way: "Hogwash!"
The fact is that, unless you happen to be photographing the inside of a black hole or something, light is light. It has certain properties of intensity and color, but basically, photons are photons. There's nothing noble about limiting yourself to the set of light sources over which (relatively speaking) you have the least amount of control. It's rather like trying to play golf with your legs tied together and one arm handcuffed behind your back: You can do it, and you might even hit a great shot from time to time, but you're severely handicapping yourself for no really good reason. "
Thats only part of the her post u guys, the rest IS A MUST READ.
Also be sure to check out every hyperlink she has on that post esp the Mark Seliger reverse engineering link .
The above Photo from http://www.onelightworkshop.com/OneLight/News_And_Articles/07AAAF33-865D-4CE0-9FA0-AD6428D14D87.html
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